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this coloring book is not really a book - it is more. it is a coloring postcards set, consisting of 7 postcards (17x11cm)

you can send them black and white and let the receiver color it


you can color them and sent pieces of art to your loved ones


you can start coloring them and let your loved ones finish it

— the possibilities are endless!

the main point is creating something together while being apart.add new colors into your life, let’s do it together! and don’ forget to write down your name on the back of the postcards where i already wrote "collaboration between pati avish and ……..". yes, it is not just colouring, it is a collaboration! i drew lines and objects, wrote phrases and now it is up to you (or the person you choose) how the finished drawing will look like. <3

colouring postcards set YOU

€ 15,00Price
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