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Compose your painting with 4-5 elements, symbols that pierce your heart with light, and I will paint you your story on a small canvas -- an artwork that speaks to your soul


Reflection of your soul, reality and dreams in symbols. I wanted to do for a long time: to draw just symbols that tell a story and create a composition on their own. It looks like a flash tattoo designs sheet or a sticker pack sheet, nothing extraordinary from the first glimpse, very simple yet so deep and meaningful.


The canvas above is a little expamle - a reflection of my state of mind on vacation in Greece this September, now is on the wall in my flat there. And the other one in my flat in Vienna.


The symbols can be black, red, blue. Tell me what color out of three you want them to be, or leave it up to me.

compose your painting: what are your symbols?

€ 65,00Price
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